Dream Cars

I was tagged by my friend and there were so many questions that come with it. Of course, it was called “interrogate me.”

Anyway, there was a question there that asked what my dream car is. So simple, I answered directly – something small and less on gas. Why? Because of the surmounting price hike! The prices just wouldn’t stop increasing. If there is a rollback, you can’t even feel it.

After doing the tag and tagged others too, I surfed my way to the World Wide Web to kill the boredom of waiting for tasks to be grabed. Luckily, I was able to surf into some new things, like condos near the beach, free blogging resources and even information on 2009 Ford Escape. Talking about dream car!

OK, back to the dream car issue, I have posted several dream cars already in the past at my other blog but it seems every day a new one comes around – a new model, a new design, and even something that runs on water. There’s just too many to choose from. But, when the time comes that I am able and ready to buy one. Maybe that’s when I will decide which dream car should be. So that it would easily become a reality!

3 thoughts on “Dream Cars

  1. My dream car is the Porsche 911 or the new Nissan GTR. those cars are really great.*-“

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