Seeking employment nowadays is definitely a hard endeavor. Many companies are doing a lot of retrenching of employees just to cope up with the economic struggles. I have seen a lot of studio contestants of famous noon time shows that was lain off from work. They joined these contests trying to win some few bucks to help them survive through times.
But did you not know that while others are cutting employees, others are also busy seeking the best employees to fill in a position? These are usually done by Executive Recruitment Firms. They look for the best people to occupy vacant positions especially in the higher management. And many of the top companies hire these firms to help them get the best ones.
So, if you don’t want to be lain off from your present job, do your best always so that companies will keep you or these executive recruitment firms may hire you for a greener pasture.
Anyway, to name a few in the US, Business Week has a profile for Dennis C Carey, an executive recruitment firms expert who helps companies find the best managers. Head over to Dennis Carey’s website for more information on executive search and recruitment.