How to Get Around New York Like a Pro

Visiting New York City? Whether you’re traveling there for vacation or you’re thinking of moving to The Big Apple, you’ll need to know how to get around without looking like a tourist.

1. If there’s one empty subway car and the rest are full, don’t get on; it’s empty for a reason.

2. You can’t negotiate the fare with yellow taxis or driving services like Uber. However, if you book with a locally-owned service, you may be able to negotiate the cost beforehand.

3. When you’re in either a yellow or green cab, they’re not allowed to say “no” to your trip.

4. It’s fine to grasp the subway pole with one hand to steady yourself, but don’t hug or lean on it. Other travelers need it, too.

5. Wait for people to finish exiting a train car before you get in.

6. When getting out of a cab, look behind it for any oncoming cars or bikes. Don’t assume that other people are paying attention.

7. When the subway car you’re in is crowded, wait for the train to come to a stop before you get out of your seat. Otherwise, you’ll just make the space more crowded and you run the risk of falling over on someone when the train stops.

8. On a subway or bus, be aware of how much space you and your belongings are taking up. It’s important to leave plenty of room for other passengers.

9. Don’t take a cab between 4 and 5 p.m. This is when taxi shifts are switching.

10. If you take the same subway train regularly, figure out where to stand as you wait for your train so that you’ll be in the right place to exit near the stairs at your stop.

11. When taking stairs and escalators, stay on the right hand side, whether you’re in a commercial buildings or one of many hotels in New York City.

12. Never stop when in the middle of a sidewalk, stairs, or platform. You’ll slow down foot traffic!

13. On rainy or snowy days, keep an eye out for slush puddles, which always seem to be on the corner of every sidewalk.

14. The even-numbered streets in NYC run east and the odd-numbered streets run west.

15. Carry an umbrella, even if the weather says it’ll be sunny all day. Just be conscious of other people when using that umbrella so that you don’t stab someone.

It’s important to stay alert when in New York. The pace of life is fast and people will be moving quickly, and expecting you to do the same.

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