My Shamrock Quiz

One of my favorite thing when I am online is taking up quizzes at I enjoy them very much and it makes me smile most of the time. Lately, most people in the US celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, I decided to take a quiz on my shamrock.

Sometimes you find thinking creatively to be a challenge. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand.You don’t really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life.

What Your Shamrock Says About You

You have a logical mind, and you pay a lot of attention to details. You are very organized.
The Shamrock Personality Test
Doing this quiz reminded me of a delicacy in Cebu City, it’s called Shamrock Otap. Hmmm…it’s kinda making me hungry right now. That reminds me…it’s lunch time already!! Hehehe…

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