Praying for More Assignments

Since my online income has become so slow lately, I decided to look for other ways to earn online. Maybe I could find extra work online that would not require much of my time. I was hoping that I could find a slot at a search engine optimization company that would ask me to make articles, socially bookmark websites or build links.

Anyway, I am thinking twice about this too because sometimes having a boss requires you to have a fix time working for him. And since I have a baby and two school aged children, I might find it difficult to adjust with time.

Oh well, I just wish that there would be a lot of assignments in the next few days. I need it very badly especially school is opening next month. I need money to buy my children school supplies, school shoes, new school bags because there old ones are very much worn out and a new set of uniforms. So hopefully, I hope it would rain on us bloggers!!

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