Shopping Day!!

We did some shopping yesterday. I bought some clothes and books for the children. It’s been 3 months since I bought those brand new clothes, all we had was ukay-ukay (used clothes). So when I bought my kiddos new clothes and so as my niece, they were so happy. It’s only once in a blue moon that I could buy clothes for them. But to be honest, I was really shocked with the prices these days. My jaw dropped at the counter. LOL!! They were simple looking clothes but they all cost approximately $6 each. We bought several and I didn’t expect it would reach to such amount.

Anyway, the best part of the shopping time was buying them a book. It’s called “My First Bible Stories.” It cost me $5 but it was worth the buy. I also bought trivia books and brain games. I still need to educate my brain. ^_^

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