It was really sad that I missed the second week at Yummy Sunday. I was quite busy last week. Anyway, here is a photo of the leche flan my husband ate during their seminar at a local hotel here in the city.
It’s pretty nice that my husband is also taking pictures in behalf of me. It seems like he supports my online memes. ^_^
Oh… my… food!!! this is really mouth watering. thanks to hubby for taking a great shot of the leche flan.
wow! letche plan so sweet and delicious, love it!!!!
I love letche plan too! one of my favorite dessert…
After seeing all the foods for the meme, it was so nice to cap it off with this delicious dessert. Great photography.
Mine is posted here. Hope you can stop by as well.. Happy weekends!
I always have a sweet tooth and leche flan for me is to die for. LOL…I haven’t had one for such a long time now. Seeing your yummy leche flan makes me want to have one later. 🙂
got an award for you mommy!
Looks creatively beautiful… and yummy!!!
That is very artistic! To pretty to eat. But … I’d still eat it 😉
I love leche flan and it’s easy to make too!.